Assume Summer Camp 2016


Assume Summer Camp Web


The camp will take place on three separate weeks for 12 – 14 year olds.

The dates are 10 – 14 August (week 1), 14 – 18 August (week 2) &  18 – 22 August (week 23).

This is a joint initiative with Clogher Diocese.

In recent times ADYC and CdÓ (Clogher don Óige) attended a leadership development course at Greenhill Centre, Newcastle. We were totally inspired by the great outdoors and the facilities on offer. The idea for a summer camp was born. The camp will provide opportunities for boys and girls aged 12 –14 to come together, have fun, make friends and to grow in faith. We felt that this was an age group that requires nourishment of their faith through a fun and creative environment.

The Summer Camp enables the young people to participate in workshops, games, outdoor activities and Mass at the YMCA centre in Newcastle County Down. Each day young people participated in faith activities based around the themes of the Parables, Journey and Mary. Twice a day young people took part in prayer and enjoyed outdoor activates, which included bouldering, zip-line, highrope course, lazer tag, archery, nightline and canoeing. Throughout the Camp the young people grew in faith by learning about the Feast of the Assumption, exploring their faith by an open Q & A session with a Priest from our diocese,
organising and participating in vibrant youth-led Masses and singing our famous action songs! Over the few days the young people have seen faith in a different light, one that is enjoyable, cool and something to be proud of.


Click here for the ONLINE BOOKING FORM for 2016


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