‘We do nothing that people might object to, so as not to bring discredit on our function as God’s servants.’ (2Cor 6:3)

The Archdiocese of Armagh recognises the importance of a Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Children as a living document.  As a result this document has been designed to guide and support those involved in ministry to children in the Archdiocese.  In order to ensure its effectiveness and the ongoing implementation of the guidelines herein the Archdiocese commits to:

  • provide the required financial resources for the implementation of the policy;
  • support the needs of those with roles in safeguarding children through the Committee for Safeguarding Children;
  • review the document every three years or more frequently if there are changes in legislation or ministry to children in the Archdiocese or there is a need to review it after an incident has taken place;
  • develop the areas identified in the current action plan for the Committee for Safeguarding Children and reviewing this plan at the quarterly meetings;
  • ensure accurate records are kept of any incidents, allegations or concerns that are reported to the Designated Officers.