
The Armagh Diocesan Initiative for
Narrative & Prayer & Healing

The late Fr Tom Hamil was responsible for the the setting up of the 


From 1993 to 2003 Tom posted out “biblical hints”  in the form of questions, riddles and stories based on the weekly Readings for Sunday liturgies to a wide circle of people.  He followed the yearly cycles A,B,C  and created fresh notes each time over that 10-year span.  Small groups formed in different parts of the world and used these nurturing and challenging notes to prepare for Sunday Eucharist.

The Chokmah Initiative was inspired & nourished by several dynamic factors:

A. The generative work of The Mount Oliver Institute (1969 – 1992), briefly expressed thus :

Who Enslaves ThePeople? Who Liberates ThePeople?
The Urgent TwinQuestions! &What effective Response?
In TheSpirit-of-Jesus-TheNazarene, this Institute dares
To Explore-TheImplications-of-TheBiblicalMythos,
For our ContemporaryExperience
As Groups&Individuals, As Women&Men!
&To take-issue with TheGods-who-Infest-OurWorld!

A website has been set up by the committee that helped Fr. Tom in organising workshops and is intended to put some of his work online.  
Click here to access this website.