Theology Programme

In September 2009 our Diocese launched a Theology Programme.  This was a response to the call of the Second Vatican Council for co-responsibility between the ordained ministers, the consecrated persons and the lay faithful in the mission of the Church.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI pointed out “that this demanded a change in mentality, above all with regard to the lay faithful, moving from considering them as collaborators of the clergy to recognising them as truly co-responsible for the being and action of the Church, promoting a mature and dedicated laity in this way.”  Indeed, Pope Francis has reiterated that the lay faithful are the mainstay of the Church. This diocese recognised that if this was to become a reality, then this would require a process of formation and education.

To date ninety-two students have taken part in the programme, forty-one of whom have graduated with a Degree in Theology.  The remaining students have achieved certificate or diploma level.  The external examiner described the modules delivered in this academic year as “impressive, demonstrating high quality standards and outputs, and consistently impressive student results.”  

Many of these students are involved at Parish level in Pastoral Councils and other parish activities, such as establishing bible study groups, organising Ministers of the Word and of the Eucharist, and setting up children’s liturgies.  One student became the laity coordinator for the SMA order based in Dromantine.  Other students have been involved in the Diocesan Pastoral Council, and another is currently working as a pastoral worker.  Each in their own way are a reflection of the Diocese’s commitment to co-responsibility in the mission of the Church.

Students will be graduating this year and applications for this years intake are invited.  This programme is an important element of the formation and development of pastoral life in the Archdiocese and graduates from this programme are a valuable resource for our parishes and pastoral areas.

Should you wish to enquire about this programme please contact Milanda via the email below 

Milanda Kelly  [email protected]