Reflecting on the ceremony Mr Joe Purcell of the Armagh Diocesan Pastoral Centre said “It was very uplifting to see so many people, priests and laity together, presenting themselves for leadership roles in the diocese.  It really gave us all a great lift.”

Addressing the priest leaders (Vicars forane) and the members of the pastoral area resource teams, Cardinal Brady said:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it gives me great joy to see you here offering yourselves in service of your pastoral area.  

Under the leadership of the Vicar forane it will be your duty to ensure the effective sharing of the collective gifts and talents of the parishes in the pastoral area and to identify pastoral matters that can be done better together as a pastoral area than separately as individual parishes.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, you do this in order to fulfil the mission of the Church to proclaim the Word of God and further the mission of Christ in the world.
Therefore, I ask you:

Are you willing to use your gifts and energy as a member of your pastoral area resource team in service of the pastoral activity of your pastoral area?

Members:  I am.

Cardinal:  Are you committed to working together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect?

Members:  I am.

Cardinal:  Will you commit yourself to promoting the aim of our diocese which is to be the Body of Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit so that we can live like Jesus in our time and place sharing his compassionate love with all?

Members: I will.

Cardinal:  Will you make prayer an integral part of both your personal life and the life of your pastoral area resource team?

Members:  I will.

Cardinal Brady addressed the Vicars forane

Vicars forane, are you willing to work collaboratively with the priests, pastoral area resource team members and the parishioners of your pastoral area in order to strengthen each of the parishes in the pastoral area.

Vicars forane: I am.

Cardinal Brady addresses the congregation

Will you support the members of your pastoral area resource team in their ministry among you?

All: I will.

Cardinal:  Will you pray God’s blessing on them as they help to strengthen each of the parishes  in your pastoral area?

All: I will.

Cardinal:  Will you continue to identify your own gifts and put them at the service of your parish and pastoral area?

All: I will.

Cardinal:  Will you also commit yourselves to promoting the aim of our diocese which is to be the Body of Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit so that we can live like Jesus in our time and place sharing his compassionate love with all?

All:  I will.

Cardinal Brady blessed the pastoral area resource teams with the following words:
Let us pray.
Gracious God, through the sending of the Holy Spirit your Son called us to be a community of disciples committed to the building of your kingdom.
Send your blessing + on our 18 new pastoral areas that they may be faithful to proclaiming the Word of God and furthering the mission of Christ in the world.
Bless + the Vicars forane and the members of the new pastoral area resource teams.  Renew in them the gifts of the Spirit bestowed on them in confirmation.   Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of right judgment and courage, the Spirit of knowledge and reverence.  Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence.
As they use their gifts in service of the mission of Christ and of the parishes in their pastoral area fill them with your faith, hope and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.